Albanian Erasmus+ Office

Changing lives, opening minds

Erasmus+ Office in Albania

Which is Erasmus+ Office?

Starting from 2014, National Tempus Offices were transformed into National Erasmus+ Offices (NEO).

The National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) assist the Commission, the Executive Agency and the local authorities in the implementation of the Erasmus+ Programme. It is the focal point in Albania for its stakeholders involved in the Erasmus+ Programme in the area of higher education. The office contributes to improving awareness, visibility, relevance, effectiveness and impact of the international dimension of Erasmus+.

Starting the new programme (2021-2027), National Erasmus+ Office is responsible for:

  • providing information about Erasmus+ activities that are open to the participation of their countries (including in the fields of higher education, youth and VET, where relevant);
  • advising and assisting potential applicants;
  • coordinating the local team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs);
  • contributing to studies and events;
  • providing support to policy dialogue;
  • maintaining contacts with the local authorities and EU delegations;
  • following policy developments in the field of higher education in their country.

Click the link for more information about the programme guide (2021-2027):

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Address: Sheshi Skenderbej, Pallati i Kulturës , kt 3, Tirana

Tel:  +355 4 2240435
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