KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and good experiences

It includes cooperation for innovation and good experiences, in the form of cooperation among higher education institutions and/or businesses and other stakeholders, capacity building for institutions of non-industrialized countries (former Tempus projects). It represents about 28% of the total budget.


Capacity Building

Capacity Building projects aims to support the modernisation, accessibility and internationalisation of higher education in the Partner Countries. These projects are transnational cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships primarily between Higher Education Institutions (Higher Education Institutions) from Programme and eligible Partner Countries.


These projects can be:

Joint projects: to help Higher Education Institutions from partner countries to develop, modernise and disseminate new curricula, teaching methods or materials, as well as to boost quality assurance and governance of Higher Education Institutions.


Structural projects: to develop and reform Higher Education Institutions and systems in partner countries; to enhance Higher Education Institutions quality and relevance, promote regional cooperation and increase convergence with international developments in higher education.

In the case of Capacity Building Projects targeting the eligible Partner Countries from the Western Balkans, projects may include a Special Mobility Strand addressed either to students or staff from the partner Higher Education Institutions. The mobility must be instrumental to the objectives of the project (integrated mobility) and implemented through inter-institutional agreements.


Strategic Partnerships


Knowledge Alliances