“National Seminar HERE, 4-5 April 2024, FGjH, UT”

“National HERE Seminar, 4-5 March 2024”


“ECTS for programme design, delivery and monitoring”

“Referencing Albanian Qualification Framework to the European Qualification Framework (EQF) and self-referencing to Qualification Framework of EHEA (QF-EHEA)”

“Academic Compatibility AML-University, an effective agenda to support student success”.


Development of learning outcomes and competence based learning in HEIs

‘Challenges toward successful joint degrees implementation’,

“Supporting the efforts to strengthen the social dimension of Albanian Higher Education”

HERE and NEO Meeting


The annual conference of 2019 ‘From social inclusion to skills: Pressing themes in higher education policy making’

HERE Study Visit Inclusive mobility: from good intentions to measurable outcomes

HERE Study Visit: ‘Competence Based Education (CBE): Basics, Perspectives, Implementation’

The eighth HERE seminar ‘Recognition: Implications for cross-border access to higher education and mobility’

HERE seminar on “Reforming Study Programs: Preparation of Academic Standards”

HERE Seminar “Development and Embedding of Academic Practice: Research-based education”

HERE and NEO Meeting

HERE Study Visit “Social Inclusion: University policies and practices”

HERE Seminar “Smart Specializations”


National HERE Seminar on “Enhancing student’s role in HEIs governance and management”


National HERE Seminar on “Importance of PHD Studies”

National HERE Seminar on “Reforming study programmes based on learning outcomes”

National HERE Seminar on “Re-evaluation of study programmes: link between study programmes and learning outcomes ”


The National HERE Seminar on “Albanian Qualification Framework”

The HERE workshop on “Innovation and information technology as a mean for improving and developing teaching methods”


Here workshop "Empowering universities to fulfill their responsibility for internal quality assurance”