Date: 13-14/11/2019

Venue: EACEA premises and 2nd day Crown Plaza Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

Organiser: EACEA

The event is a continuation of a series of yearly events bringing both the National Erasmus Offices (NEOs) and the International Contact Points (ICP) of the National Agencies together. The overall objective of the one-day NEO/ICP meeting is to encourage networking between the different actors in order to foster and facilitate the cooperation between HEIs from programme and partner countries in the framework of the international dimension of the Erasmus + Programme. Furthermore, the event will serve to inform both the NEOs and the ICPs about the novelties of the upcoming call and general trends in the Higher Education policies of the European Union

During the second day of meeting a presentation on the achievement of the Albanian HEIs was introduce to the NA to foster the collaboration and to increase the synergies between Albanian HEIs and other Programme Countries HEIs.

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