On 21 December 2022 was held online the “National Information Day Erasmus+ on Higher Education” moderated by the Coordinator, Ms. Ada Ramaj. After the greeting speech by Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Sport Ms. Albana Tole, the meeting was followed up by ‘CBHE session’ presentations delivered by Ms. Elona Pojani, Faculty of Economy, Tirana University and Mr. Esmir Demaj, EPOKA University. Afterwards there was an intervention by Mr. George Dafoulas, Faculty of Science & Technology, Middlesex University. Their contribution aimed to giving details and explanations/advices to the applicants on ‘How to write a good CBHE proposal’ within ‘New Call for proposal 2023’. The second session was dedicated to ICM activity of the Erasmus+ program. There were four presenters and respectively Ms. Benita Stavre, University ‘Fan S.Noli’ of Korca, Mr. Robert Kodra, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Mr. Elton Skendaj, Mediterranean University and Ms. Esmeralda Doku, Metropolitan University of Tirana. All of them did a full picture of ICM activity in general and after that, they presented in details the implementation of this activity in their Home University. The last session of the first part of this event was related to ‘Jean Monnet action’. Three presenters of this session Ms. Perseta Grabova, Faculty of Economy, Tirana University, Mr. Altin Idrizi, University ‘Aleksander Xhuvani’ of Elbasan and Ms. Dardane Nuka, European University of Tirana gave a detailed information on both of ‘Module’ and ‘Center of Excellence’ Jean Monnet, each focusing on different points, such as best practice, Module and CoE JM applications, ‘New Call for applications 2023’, etc. Each session was followed up by questions and answers given by the presenters or the NEO.